We've had a right-thorough good time using vid.me to upload our videos. The UI was clean, the admins weren't jerks. It's a real pity that there wasn't any money in it for them, because they were the best video site we'd ever worked with.
Anybody know of a good alternative out there?
If you're looking for a good board game, check this one out: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/en-route
It's pretty elegant and straight-forward. Plenty of room for good strategizing.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Sunday, December 10, 2017
Alphabetical D&D 5th Edition Monsters from 6 WotC Source Books
Here is a list of all the monsters I know about from the six source books that I have. Source books not present are: HotDQ, RoT, SKT, and ToA.
- CoS = Curse of Strahd
- HotDQ = Hoard of the Dragon Queen
- MM = Monster Manual
- OotA = Out of the Abyss
- PotA = Princes of the Apocalypse
- RoT = Rise of Tiamat
- SKT = Storm King's Thunder
- TftYP = Tales from the Yawning Portal
- ToA = Tomb of Annihilation
- VG = Volo's Guide to Monsters
All Monsters Alphabetically
- Aarakocra (MM 12)
- Abjurer (VG 209)
- Aboleth (MM 13)
- Abominable Yeti (MM 306)
- Acolyte (MM 342)
- Adult Black Dragon (MM 88)
- Adult Blue Dracolich (MM 84)
- Adult Blue Dragon (MM 91)
- Adult Brass Dragon (MM 105)
- Adult Bronze Dragon (MM 108)
- Adult Gold Dragon (MM 114)
- Adult Green Dragon (MM 94)
- Adult Red Dragon (MM 98)
- Adult Silver Dragon (MM 117)
- Adult White Dragon (MM 101)
- Aerisi Kalinoth [in lair] (PotA 193)
- Aerisi Kalinoth [not in lair] (PotA 193)
- Air Elemental (MM 124)
- Air Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 212)
- Alhoon (VG 172)
- Allosaurus (MM 79)
- Ancient Black Dragon (MM 87)
- Ancient Blue Dragon (MM 90)
- Ancient Brass Dragon (MM 104)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon (MM 107)
- Ancient Copper Dragon (MM 110)
- Ancient Gold Dragon (MM 113)
- Ancient Green Dragon (MM 93)
- Ancient Red Dragon (MM 97)
- Ancient Silver Dragon (MM 116)
- Ancient White Dragon (MM 100)
- Androsphinx (MM 281)
- Animated Armor (MM 19)
- Animated Table (TftYP 230)
- Ankheg (MM 21)
- Ankylosaurus (MM 79)
- Annis Hag (VG 159)
- Ape (MM 317)
- Apprentice Wizard (VG 209)
- Arcanaloth (MM 313)
- Archdruid (VG 210)
- Archer (VG 210)
- Archmage (MM 342)
- Assassin (MM 343)
- Aurochs (VG 207)
- Awakened Shrub (MM 317)
- Awakened Tree (MM 317)
- Awakened Zurkhwood (OotA 230)
- Axe Beak (MM 317)
- Azer (MM 22)
- Baba Lysaga (CoS 228)
- Baba Lysaga's Creeping Hut (CoS 226)
- Babau (VG 136)
- Baboon (MM 318)
- Badger (MM 318)
- Balor (MM 55)
- Banderhobb (VG 122)
- Bandit (MM 343)
- Bandit Captain (MM 344)
- Banshee (MM 23)
- Baphomet (OotA 235)
- Barbed Devil (MM 70)
- Bard (VG 211)
- Barghest (VG 123)
- Barghest (TftYP 230)
- Barlgura (MM 56)
- Barovian Witch (CoS 229)
- Basilisk (MM 24)
- Bastian Thermandar (PotA 201)
- Bat (MM 318)
- Bearded Devil (MM 70)
- Behir (MM 25)
- Beholder Zombie (MM 316)
- Beholder [not in lair] (MM 28)
- Berserker (MM 344)
- Bheur Hag (VG 160)
- Black Bear (MM 318)
- Black Dragon Wyrmling (MM 88)
- Black Earth Guard (PotA 195)
- Black Earth Priest (PotA 195)
- Black Pudding (MM 241)
- Blackguard (VG 211)
- Blink Dog (MM 318)
- Blood Hawk (MM 319)
- Blue Dragon Wyrmling (MM 91)
- Blue Slaad (MM 276)
- Boar (MM 319)
- Bodak (VG 127)
- Boggle (VG 128)
- Bone Devil (MM 71)
- Bone Naga (MM 233)
- Brass Dragon Wyrmling (MM 106)
- Bridesmaid of Zuggtmoy (OotA 230)
- Brontosaurus (VG 139)
- Bronze Dragon Wyrmling (MM 109)
- Broom of Animated Attack (CoS 226)
- Brown Bear (MM 319)
- Bugbear (MM 33)
- Bugbear Chief (MM 33)
- Bulette (MM 34)
- Bullywug (MM 35)
- Burrowshark (PotA 196)
- Cambion (MM 36)
- Camel (MM 320)
- Carrion Crawler (MM 37)
- Cat (MM 320)
- Catoblepas (VG 129)
- Cave Fisher (VG 130)
- Centaur (MM 38)
- Centaur Mummy (TftYP 231)
- Chain Devil (MM 72)
- Chamberlain of Zuggtmoy (OotA 230)
- Champion (VG 212)
- Champion (TftYP 231)
- Chasme (MM 57)
- Chimera (MM 39)
- Chitine (VG 131)
- Choker (TftYP 232)
- Choldrith (VG 132)
- Chuul (MM 40)
- Chuul Spore Servant (OotA 228)
- Clay Golem (MM 168)
- Cloaker (MM 41)
- Cloud Giant (MM 154)
- Cloud Giant Smiling Oen (VG 146)
- Cockatrice (MM 42)
- Commoner (MM 345)
- Conjurer (VG 212)
- Conjurer (TftYP 232)
- Constrictor Snake (MM 320)
- Copper Dragon Wyrmling (MM 112)
- Couatl (MM 43)
- Cow (VG 207)
- Crab (MM 320)
- Cranium Rat (VG 133)
- Crawling claw (MM 44)
- Crocodile (MM 320)
- Crushing Wave Priest (PotA 205)
- Crushing Wave Reaver (PotA 205)
- Cult Fanatic (MM 345)
- Cultist (MM 345)
- Cyclops (MM 45)
- Dao (MM 143)
- Dark Tide Knight (PotA 205)
- Darkling (VG 134)
- Darkling Elder (VG 134)
- Darkmantle (MM 46)
- Dead Warrior (TftYP 233)
- Death Dog (MM 321)
- Death Kiss (VG 124)
- Death Knight (MM 47)
- Death Slaad (MM 278)
- Death Tyrant [in lair] (MM 29)
- Deathlock Wight (TftYP 233)
- Deep Gnome (MM 164)
- Deep Scion (VG 135)
- Deer (MM 321)
- Deinonychus (VG 139)
- Demilich [in lair] (MM 48)
- Demilich [not in lair] (MM 48)
- Demogorgon (OotA 236)
- Derro (OotA 244)
- Deva (MM 16)
- Devourer (VG 138)
- Dimetrodon (VG 139)
- Dire Wolf (MM 321)
- Displacer Beast (MM 81)
- Diviner (VG 213)
- Djinni (MM 144)
- Dolphin (VG 208)
- Doppleganger (MM 82)
- Draegloth (VG 141)
- Draft Horse (MM 321)
- Dragon Turtle (MM 119)
- Drannin Splithelm (PotA 209)
- Dretch (MM 57)
- Drider (MM 120)
- Droki (OotA 231)
- Drow (MM 128)
- Drow Elite Warrior (MM 128)
- Drow Mage (MM 129)
- Drow Priestess Of Lolth (MM 129)
- Drow Spore Servant (OotA 229)
- Druid (MM 346)
- Dryad (MM 121)
- Duergar (MM 122)
- Duergar Darkhaft (OotA 226)
- Duergar Kavalrachni (OotA 226)
- Duergar Keeper of the Flame (OotA 226)
- Duergar Soulblade (OotA 227)
- Duergar Spore Servant (OotA 229)
- Duergar Spy (TftYP 234)
- Duergar Stone Guard (OotA 227)
- Duergar Xarron (OotA 228)
- Duodrone (MM 225)
- Dust Mephit (MM 215)
- Eagle (MM 322)
- Earth Elemental (MM 124)
- Earth Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 212)
- Efreeti (MM 145)
- Elder Brain (VG 174)
- Elephant (MM 322)
- Elizar Dryflagon (PotA 202)
- Elk (MM 322)
- Empryean (MM 130)
- Enchanter (VG 213)
- Enchanter (TftYP 234)
- Erinyes (MM 73)
- Eternal Flame Guardian (PotA 200)
- Eternal Flame Priest (PotA 200)
- Ettercap (MM 131)
- Ettin (MM 132)
- Evoker (VG 214)
- Evoker (TftYP 235)
- Ezmerelda D'Avenir (CoS 231)
- Faerie Dragon [old] (MM 133)
- Faerie Dragon [young] (MM 133)
- Fathomer (PotA 207)
- Feather Gale Knight (PotA 189)
- Female Steeder (OotA 231)
- Fire Elemental (MM 125)
- Fire Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 213)
- Fire Giant (MM 154)
- Fire Giant Dreadnought (VG 147)
- Fire Snake (MM 265)
- Firenewt (VG 142)
- Firenewt Warlock of Imix (VG 143)
- Flail Snail (VG 144)
- Flameskull (MM 134)
- Flamewrath (PotA 201)
- Flesh Golem (MM 169)
- Flind (VG 153)
- Flumph (MM 135)
- Flying Snake (MM 322)
- Flying Sword (MM 20)
- Fomorian (MM 136)
- Fraz-Urb'luu (OotA 238)
- Frog (MM 322)
- Froghemoth (VG 145)
- Frost Giant (MM 154)
- Frost Giant Everlasting One (VG 148)
- Galeb Duhr (MM 139)
- Gar Shatterkeel [in lair] (PotA 208)
- Gar Shatterkeel [not in lair] (PotA 208)
- Gargoyle (MM 140)
- Gas Spore (MM 138)
- Gauth (VG 125)
- Gazer (VG 126)
- Gelatinous Cube (MM 242)
- Ghald (PotA 209)
- Ghast (MM 148)
- Ghost (MM 147)
- Ghoul (MM 148)
- Giant Ape (MM 323)
- Giant Badger (MM 323)
- Giant Bat (MM 323)
- Giant Boar (MM 323)
- Giant Centipede (MM 323)
- Giant Constrictor Snake (MM 324)
- Giant Crab (MM 324)
- Giant Crayfish (TftYP 235)
- Giant Crocodile (MM 324)
- Giant Eagle (MM 324)
- Giant Elk (MM 325)
- Giant Fire Beetle (MM 325)
- Giant Frog (MM 325)
- Giant Goat (MM 326)
- Giant Hyena (MM 326)
- Giant Ice Toad (TftYP 235)
- Giant Lightning Eel (TftYP 236)
- Giant Lizard (MM 326)
- Giant Octopus (MM 326)
- Giant Owl (MM 327)
- Giant Poisonous Snake (MM 327)
- Giant Rat (MM 327)
- Giant Scorpion (MM 327)
- Giant Sea Horse (MM 328)
- Giant Shark (MM 328)
- Giant Skeleton (TftYP 236)
- Giant Spider (MM 328)
- Giant Strider (VG 143)
- Giant Subterranean Lizard (TftYP 236)
- Giant Toad (MM 329)
- Giant Vulture (MM 329)
- Giant Wasp (MM 329)
- Giant Wolf Spider (MM 330)
- Giant weasel (MM 329)
- Gibbering Mouther (MM 157)
- Girallon (VG 152)
- Githyanki Knight (MM 160)
- Githyanki Warrior (MM 160)
- Githzerai Monk (MM 161)
- Githzerai Zerth (MM 161)
- Glabrezu (MM 58)
- Gladiator (MM 346)
- Gnol Witherling (VG 156)
- Gnoll (MM 163)
- Gnoll Fang Of Yeenoghu (MM 163)
- Gnoll Flesh Gnawer (VG 154)
- Gnoll Hunter (VG 154)
- Gnoll Pack Lord (MM 163)
- Goat (MM 330)
- Goblin (MM 166)
- Goblin Boss (MM 166)
- Gold Dragon Wyrmling (MM 115)
- Gorgon (MM 171)
- Goristro (MM 59)
- Gray Ooze (MM 243)
- Gray Slaad (MM 277)
- Graz'zt (OotA 241)
- Greater Zombie (TftYP 237)
- Green Dragon Wyrmling (MM 95)
- Green Hag (MM 177)
- Green Hag [in coven] (MM 177)
- Green Slaad (MM 277)
- Grell (MM 172)
- Grick (MM 173)
- Grick Alpha (MM 173)
- Griffon (MM 174)
- Grimlock (MM 175)
- Grisha (OotA 232)
- Grumink the Renegade (PotA 210)
- Grung (VG 156)
- Grung Wildling (VG 157)
- Guard (MM 347)
- Guard Drake (VG 158)
- Guardian Naga (MM 234)
- Guardian Portrait (CoS 227)
- Gynosphinx (MM 282)
- Hadrosaurus (VG 140)
- Half-Ogre (MM 238)
- Half-Red Dragon Veteran (MM 180)
- Harpy (MM 181)
- Hawk (MM 330)
- Hell Hound (MM 182)
- Hellenrae (PotA 198)
- Helmed Horror (MM 183)
- Hezrou (MM 60)
- Hill Giant (MM 155)
- Hipogriff (MM 184)
- Hobgoblin (MM 186)
- Hobgoblin Captain (MM 186)
- Hobgoblin Devastator (VG 161)
- Hobgoblin Iron Shadow (VG 162)
- Hobgoblin Warlord (MM 187)
- Homonculus (MM 188)
- Hook Horror (MM 189)
- Hook Horror Spore Servant (OotA 229)
- Horned Devil (MM 74)
- Howling Hatred Initiate (PotA 190)
- Howling Hatred Priest (PotA 190)
- Hunter Shark (MM 330)
- Hurricane (PotA 191)
- Hydra (MM 190)
- Hyena (MM 331)
- Ice Devil (MM 75)
- Ice Mephit (MM 215)
- Illithid [Mind Flayer] (MM 222)
- Illusionist (VG 214)
- Illusionist (TftYP 237)
- Imix (PotA 214)
- Imp (MM 76)
- Incubus (MM 284)
- Intellect Devourer (MM 191)
- Invisible Stalker (MM 192)
- Iron Golem (MM 170)
- Ixitxachitl (OotA 225)
- Izek Strazni (CoS 232)
- Jackal (MM 331)
- Jackalwere (MM 193)
- Jubilex (OotA 243)
- Kalka-Kylla (TftYP 238)
- Kelpie (TftYP 238)
- Kenku (MM 194)
- Ki-Rin (VG 163)
- Killer Whale (MM 331)
- Knight (MM 347)
- Koa-Toa Whip (MM 200)
- Kobold (MM 195)
- Kobold Dragonshield (VG 165)
- Kobold Inventor (VG 166)
- Kobold SCale Sorcerer (VG 167)
- Korred (VG 168)
- Kraken (MM 197)
- Kraken Priest (VG 215)
- Kuo-Toa (MM 199)
- Kuo-Toa Archpriest (MM 200)
- Kuo-Toa Monitor (MM 198)
- Lamia (MM 201)
- Lemure (MM 76)
- Leucrotta (VG 169)
- Leucrotta (TftYP 239)
- Lich [in lair] (MM 202)
- Lich [not in lair] (MM 202)
- Lion (MM 331)
- Lizard (MM 332)
- Lizard King (MM 205)
- Lizard Queen (MM 205)
- Lizardfolk (MM 204)
- Lizardfolk Shaman (MM 205)
- Madam Eva (CoS 233)
- Mage (MM 347)
- Magma Mephit (MM 216)
- Magmin (MM 212)
- Male Steeder (OotA 231)
- Malformed Kraken (TftYP 239)
- Mammoth (MM 332)
- Manes (MM 60)
- Manticore (MM 213)
- Marid (MM 146)
- Marilith (MM 61)
- Markoth (VG 178)
- Marlos Urnrayle [in lair] (PotA 199)
- Marlos Urnrayle [not in lair] (PotA 199)
- Martial Arts Adept (VG 216)
- Martial Arts Adept (TftYP 240)
- Master Thief (VG 216)
- Mastiff (MM 332)
- Maw Demon (VG 137)
- Medusa (MM 214)
- Meenlock (VG 170)
- Merfolk (MM 218)
- Merrow (MM 219)
- Mezzoloth (MM 313)
- Mimic (MM 220)
- Mind Flayer (MM 222)
- Mind Flayer Arcanist (MM 222)
- Mind Flayer Lich (VG 172)
- Mindwitness (VG 176)
- Minotaur (MM 223)
- Minotaur Skeleton (MM 273)
- Miraj Vizann (PotA 198)
- Mongrelfolk (CoS 234)
- Monodrone (MM 224)
- Morkoth [in lair] (VG 178)
- Mouth of Grolantor (VG 149)
- Mud Mephit (MM 216)
- Mule (MM 333)
- Mummy (MM 228)
- Mummy Lord [in lair] (MM 228)
- Mummy Lord [not in lair] (MM 228)
- Myconid Adult (MM 232)
- Myconid Sovereign (MM 232)
- Myconid Sprout (MM 230)
- Nalfeshnee (MM 62)
- Narrak (OotA 232)
- Necromancer (VG 217)
- Necromancer (TftYP 241)
- Needle Blight (MM 32)
- Neogi (VG 180)
- Neogi Hatchling (VG 179)
- Neogi Master (VG 180)
- Neothelid (VG 181)
- Nereid (TftYP 240)
- Night Hag (MM 178)
- Night Hag [in coven] (MM 178)
- Nightmare (MM 235)
- Nilbog (VG 182)
- Noble (MM 348)
- Nothic (MM 236)
- Nycaloth (MM 314)
- Ochre Jelly (MM 243)
- Octopus (MM 333)
- Ogre (MM 237)
- Ogre Zombie (MM 316)
- Ogremoch (PotA 216)
- Olhydra (PotA 218)
- One-Eyed Shiver (PotA 207)
- Oni (MM 239)
- Ooze Master (TftYP 241)
- Orc (MM 246)
- Orc Blade of Ilneval (VG 183)
- Orc CLaw of Luthic (VG 183)
- Orc Eye Of Gruumsh (MM 247)
- Orc Hand of Yurtrus (VG 184)
- Orc Nutured One of Yutrus (VG 184)
- Orc Red Fang of SHargaas (VG 185)
- Orc War Chief (MM 246)
- Orcus (OotA 244)
- Oreioth (PotA 211)
- Orog (MM 247)
- Otyugh (MM 248)
- Owl (MM 333)
- Owlbear (MM 249)
- Ox (VG 207)
- Panther (MM 333)
- Pegasus (MM 250)
- Pentadrone (MM 226)
- Peryton (MM 251)
- Phantom Warrior (CoS 235)
- Phase Spider (MM 334)
- Pidlwick II (CoS 236)
- Piercer (MM 252)
- Pit Fiend (MM 77)
- Pixie (MM 253)
- Planetar (MM 17)
- Plesiosaurus (MM 80)
- Poisonous Snake (MM 334)
- Polar Bear (MM 334)
- Poltergeist [specter] (MM 279)
- Pony (MM 335)
- Priest (MM 348)
- Pseudodragon (MM 254)
- Pteranodon (MM 80)
- Pudding King (OotA 233)
- Purple Worm (MM 255)
- Quadrone (MM 226)
- Quaggoth (MM 256)
- Quaggoth Spore Servant (MM 230)
- Quaggoth Thonot (MM 256)
- Quasit (MM 63)
- Quetzalcoatlus (VG 140)
- Quickling (VG 187)
- Quipper (MM 335)
- Rahadin (CoS 237)
- Rakshasa (MM 257)
- Rat (MM 335)
- Raven (MM 335)
- Razerblast (PotA 201)
- Red Dragon Wyrmling (MM 98)
- Red Slaad (MM 276)
- Redcap (VG 188)
- Reef Shark (MM 336)
- Remorhaz (MM 258)
- Revenant (MM 259)
- Rhinoceros (MM 336)
- Rictavio (CoS 238)
- Riding Horse (MM 336)
- Roc (MM 260)
- Roper (MM 261)
- Rothe (VG 207)
- Rug Of Smothering (MM 20)
- Rust Monster (MM 262)
- Saber-Toothed Tiger (MM 336)
- Sacred Stone Monk (PotA 196)
- Sahuagin (MM 263)
- Sahuagin Baron (MM 264)
- Sahuagin Priestess (MM 264)
- Salamander (MM 266)
- Satyr (MM 267)
- Scarecrow (MM 268)
- Scorpion (MM 337)
- Scout (MM 349)
- Sea Hag (MM 179)
- Sea Hag [in coven] (MM 179)
- Sea Horse (MM 337)
- Sea Lion (TftYP 242)
- Sea Spawn (VG 189)
- Shadow (MM 269)
- Shadow Demon (MM 64)
- Shadow Mastiff (VG 190)
- Shambling Mound (MM 270)
- Sharwyn Hucrele (TftYP 242)
- Shield Guardian (MM 271)
- Shoalar Quenderil (PotA 208)
- Shoosuva (VG 137)
- Shrieker (MM 138)
- Silver Dragon Wyrmling (MM 118)
- Sir Bradford (TftYP 243)
- Siren (TftYP 243)
- Skeleton (MM 272)
- Skyweaver (PotA 191)
- Slaad Tadpole (MM 276)
- Slithering Tracker (VG 191)
- Smoke Mephit (MM 217)
- Solar (MM 18)
- Spawn of Kyuss (VG 192)
- Spectator (MM 30)
- Specter (MM 279)
- Spider (MM 337)
- Spined Devil (MM 78)
- Spirit Naga (MM 234)
- Sprite (MM 283)
- Spy (MM 349)
- Steam Mephit (MM 217)
- Stegosaurus (VG 140)
- Stench Kow (VG 207)
- Stirge (MM 284)
- Stone Giant (MM 156)
- Stone Giant Dreamwalker (VG 150)
- Stone Golem (MM 170)
- Stonemelder (PotA 197)
- Storm Giant (MM 156)
- Storm Giant Quintessent (VG 151)
- Strahd Zombie (CoS 241)
- Strahd von Zarovich (CoS 240)
- Strahd's Animated Armor (CoS 227)
- Succubus (MM 285)
- Svirfneblin (MM 164)
- Swarm Of Bats (MM 337)
- Swarm Of Insects (MM 338)
- Swarm Of Poisonous Snakes (MM 338)
- Swarm Of Quippers (MM 338)
- Swarm Of Rats (MM 339)
- Swarm Of Ravens (MM 339)
- Swarm of Cranium Rats (VG 133)
- Swarm of Rot Grubs (VG 208)
- Swashbuckler (VG 217)
- THorny (VG 197)
- Tanarukk (VG 186)
- Tarrasque (MM 286)
- Tarul Var (TftYP 244)
- Tecuziztecatl (TftYP 245)
- Thayan Apprentice (TftYP 245)
- Thayan Warrior (TftYP 246)
- Thorn Slinger (TftYP 246)
- Thri-Kreen (MM 288)
- Thug (MM 350)
- Thurl Merosska (PotA 192)
- Tiger (MM 339)
- Tlincalli (VG 193)
- Transmuter (VG 218)
- Transmuter (TftYP 247)
- Trapper (VG 194)
- Treant (MM 289)
- Tree Blight (CoS 230)
- Tribal Warrior (MM 350)
- Triceratops (MM 80)
- Tridrone (MM 225)
- Troglodyte (MM 290)
- Troglodyte Champion of Laogzed (OotA 229)
- Troll (MM 291)
- Twig Blight (MM 32)
- Tyrannosaurus Rex (MM 80)
- Ulitharid (VG 175)
- Ultroloth (MM 314)
- Umber Hulk (MM 292)
- Unicorn (MM 294)
- Vampire (MM 297)
- Vampire Spawn (MM 298)
- Vampire [spellcaster] (MM 298)
- Vampire [warrior] (MM 298)
- Vampiric Ixitxachitl (OotA 226)
- Vampiric Mist (TftYP 247)
- Vanifer [in lair] (PotA 203)
- Vanifer [not in lair] (PotA 203)
- Vargouille (VG 195)
- Vegepygmy (VG 196)
- Vegepygmy Chied (VG 197)
- Velociraptor (VG 140)
- Veteran (MM 350)
- Vine Blight (MM 32)
- Violet Fungus (MM 138)
- Vrock (MM 64)
- Vulture (MM 339)
- War Priest (VG 218)
- Warhorse (MM 340)
- Warhorse Skeleton (MM 273)
- Warlock of the Archfey (VG 219)
- Warlock of the Fiend (VG 219)
- Warlock of the Great Old One (VG 220)
- Water Elemental (MM 125)
- Water Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 213)
- Water Wierd (MM 299)
- Weasel (MM 340)
- Wereboar (MM 209)
- Wereboar (MM 209)
- Wererat (MM 209)
- Wereraven (CoS 242)
- Weretiger (MM 211)
- Werewolf (MM 211)
- White Dragon Wyrmling (MM 102)
- White Maw (TftYP 248)
- Wiggan Nettlebee (PotA 211)
- Wight (MM 300)
- Will-O'-Wisp (MM 310)
- Winged Kobold (MM 195)
- Winter Wolf (MM 340)
- Wolf (MM 341)
- Wood Woad (VG 198)
- Worg (MM 341)
- Wraith (MM 302)
- Wyvern (MM 303)
- Xorn (MM 304)
- Xvart (VG 200)
- Xvart Warlock of Raxivort (VG 200)
- Yan-C-Bin (PotA 220)
- Yeenoghu (OotA 247)
- Yestabrod (OotA 233)
- Yeth Hound (VG 201)
- Yeti (MM 305)
- Yochlol (MM 65)
- Young Black Dragon (MM 88)
- Young Blue Dragon (MM 91)
- Young Brass Dragon (MM 105)
- Young Bronze Dragon (MM 108)
- Young Copper Dragon (MM 111)
- Young Gold Dragon (MM 115)
- Young Green Dragon (MM 94)
- Young Red Dragon (MM 98)
- Young Red Shadow Dragon (MM 85)
- Young Remorhaz (MM 258)
- Young Silver Dragon (MM 118)
- Young White Dragon (MM 101)
- Yuan-Ti Abomination (MM 308)
- Yuan-Ti Malison (MM 309)
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood (MM 310)
- Yuan-ti Anathema (VG 262)
- Yuan-ti Broodguard (VG 203)
- Yuan-ti Mind Whisperer (VG 204)
- Yuan-ti Nightmare SPeaker (VG 205)
- Yuan-ti Pit Master (VG 206)
- Yusdrayl (TftYP 248)
- Zombie (MM 316)
- Zuggtmoy (OotA 249)
D&D 5th Edition Monsters by Challenge Rating
Trying to build a list of monsters by challenge rating across all the official Wizards-published 5e books that I own. Punched all the data into a JSON file and generated markdown from that. Source code available here: https://github.com/Ishpeck/dndmi
- CoS = Curse of Strahd
- HotDQ = Hoard of the Dragon Queen
- MM = Monster Manual
- OotA = Out of the Abyss
- PotA = Princes of the Apocalypse
- RoT = Rise of Tiamat
- SKT = Storm King's Thunder
- TftYP = Tales from the Yawning Portal
- ToA = Tomb of Annihilation
- VG = Volo's Guide to Monsters
Challenge Rating 0 (0-10XP)
- Awakened Shrub (MM 317)
- Baboon (MM 318)
- Badger (MM 318)
- Bat (MM 318)
- Cat (MM 320)
- Commoner (MM 345)
- Crab (MM 320)
- Cranium Rat (VG 133)
- Crawling claw (MM 44)
- Deer (MM 321)
- Eagle (MM 322)
- Frog (MM 322)
- Giant Fire Beetle (MM 325)
- Goat (MM 330)
- Hawk (MM 330)
- Homonculus (MM 188)
- Hyena (MM 331)
- Jackal (MM 331)
- Lemure (MM 76)
- Lizard (MM 332)
- Myconid Sprout (MM 230)
- Octopus (MM 333)
- Owl (MM 333)
- Quipper (MM 335)
- Rat (MM 335)
- Raven (MM 335)
- Scorpion (MM 337)
- Sea Horse (MM 337)
- Shrieker (MM 138)
- Spider (MM 337)
- Vulture (MM 339)
- Weasel (MM 340)
Challenge Rating 1/8 (25XP)
- Bandit (MM 343)
- Blood Hawk (MM 319)
- Boggle (VG 128)
- Bridesmaid of Zuggtmoy (OotA 230)
- Camel (MM 320)
- Cultist (MM 345)
- Dolphin (VG 208)
- Drow Spore Servant (OotA 229)
- Flumph (MM 135)
- Flying Snake (MM 322)
- Giant Crab (MM 324)
- Giant Rat (MM 327)
- Giant weasel (MM 329)
- Guard (MM 347)
- Howling Hatred Initiate (PotA 190)
- Kobold (MM 195)
- Manes (MM 60)
- Mastiff (MM 332)
- Merfolk (MM 218)
- Monodrone (MM 224)
- Mule (MM 333)
- Neogi Hatchling (VG 179)
- Noble (MM 348)
- Poisonous Snake (MM 334)
- Pony (MM 335)
- Slaad Tadpole (MM 276)
- Stirge (MM 284)
- Tribal Warrior (MM 350)
- Twig Blight (MM 32)
- Xvart (VG 200)
Challenge Rating 1/4 (50XP)
- Aarakocra (MM 12)
- Acolyte (MM 342)
- Apprentice Wizard (VG 209)
- Axe Beak (MM 317)
- Blink Dog (MM 318)
- Boar (MM 319)
- Broom of Animated Attack (CoS 226)
- Bullywug (MM 35)
- Constrictor Snake (MM 320)
- Cow (VG 207)
- Derro (OotA 244)
- Dimetrodon (VG 139)
- Draft Horse (MM 321)
- Dretch (MM 57)
- Drow (MM 128)
- Duodrone (MM 225)
- Elk (MM 322)
- Flying Sword (MM 20)
- Giant Badger (MM 323)
- Giant Bat (MM 323)
- Giant Centipede (MM 323)
- Giant Frog (MM 325)
- Giant Lizard (MM 326)
- Giant Owl (MM 327)
- Giant Poisonous Snake (MM 327)
- Giant Wolf Spider (MM 330)
- Gnol Witherling (VG 156)
- Goblin (MM 166)
- Grimlock (MM 175)
- Grung (VG 156)
- Hadrosaurus (VG 140)
- Ixitxachitl (OotA 225)
- Kenku (MM 194)
- Kobold Inventor (VG 166)
- Kuo-Toa (MM 199)
- Male Steeder (OotA 231)
- Mongrelfolk (CoS 234)
- Mud Mephit (MM 216)
- Needle Blight (MM 32)
- Ox (VG 207)
- Panther (MM 333)
- Pidlwick II (CoS 236)
- Pixie (MM 253)
- Pseudodragon (MM 254)
- Pteranodon (MM 80)
- Riding Horse (MM 336)
- Rothe (VG 207)
- Skeleton (MM 272)
- Smoke Mephit (MM 217)
- Sprite (MM 283)
- Steam Mephit (MM 217)
- Stench Kow (VG 207)
- Swarm Of Bats (MM 337)
- Swarm Of Rats (MM 339)
- Swarm Of Ravens (MM 339)
- Troglodyte (MM 290)
- Vegepygmy (VG 196)
- Velociraptor (VG 140)
- Violet Fungus (MM 138)
- Winged Kobold (MM 195)
- Wolf (MM 341)
- Zombie (MM 316)
Challenge Rating 1/2 (100XP)
- Ape (MM 317)
- Barovian Witch (CoS 229)
- Black Bear (MM 318)
- Chitine (VG 131)
- Cockatrice (MM 42)
- Crocodile (MM 320)
- Crushing Wave Reaver (PotA 205)
- Darkling (VG 134)
- Darkmantle (MM 46)
- Deep Gnome (MM 164)
- Duergar Spore Servant (OotA 229)
- Dust Mephit (MM 215)
- Firenewt (VG 142)
- Gas Spore (MM 138)
- Gazer (VG 126)
- Giant Goat (MM 326)
- Giant Sea Horse (MM 328)
- Giant Wasp (MM 329)
- Gnoll Hunter (VG 154)
- Gnoll (MM 163)
- Gray Ooze (MM 243)
- Hobgoblin (MM 186)
- Ice Mephit (MM 215)
- Jackalwere (MM 193)
- Lizardfolk (MM 204)
- Magma Mephit (MM 216)
- Magmin (MM 212)
- Myconid Adult (MM 232)
- Orc Nutured One of Yutrus (VG 184)
- Orc (MM 246)
- Piercer (MM 252)
- Reef Shark (MM 336)
- Rust Monster (MM 262)
- Sacred Stone Monk (PotA 196)
- Sahuagin (MM 263)
- Satyr (MM 267)
- Scout (MM 349)
- Shadow (MM 269)
- Sharwyn Hucrele (TftYP 242)
- Sir Bradford (TftYP 243)
- Svirfneblin (MM 164)
- Swarm Of Insects (MM 338)
- Swarm of Rot Grubs (VG 208)
- Thorn Slinger (TftYP 246)
- Thug (MM 350)
- Tridrone (MM 225)
- Vine Blight (MM 32)
- Warhorse Skeleton (MM 273)
- Warhorse (MM 340)
- Worg (MM 341)
Challenge Rating 1 (200XP)
- Animated Armor (MM 19)
- Brass Dragon Wyrmling (MM 106)
- Brown Bear (MM 319)
- Bugbear (MM 33)
- Choker (TftYP 232)
- Copper Dragon Wyrmling (MM 112)
- Dead Warrior (TftYP 233)
- Death Dog (MM 321)
- Deinonychus (VG 139)
- Dire Wolf (MM 321)
- Dryad (MM 121)
- Duergar Soulblade (OotA 227)
- Duergar (MM 122)
- Faerie Dragon [young] (MM 133)
- Feather Gale Knight (PotA 189)
- Female Steeder (OotA 231)
- Fire Snake (MM 265)
- Firenewt Warlock of Imix (VG 143)
- Ghoul (MM 148)
- Giant Eagle (MM 324)
- Giant Hyena (MM 326)
- Giant Octopus (MM 326)
- Giant Spider (MM 328)
- Giant Strider (VG 143)
- Giant Toad (MM 329)
- Giant Vulture (MM 329)
- Gnoll Flesh Gnawer (VG 154)
- Goblin Boss (MM 166)
- Grung Wildling (VG 157)
- Guardian Portrait (CoS 227)
- Half-Ogre (MM 238)
- Harpy (MM 181)
- Hipogriff (MM 184)
- Imp (MM 76)
- Koa-Toa Whip (MM 200)
- Kobold Dragonshield (VG 165)
- Kobold SCale Sorcerer (VG 167)
- Lion (MM 331)
- Maw Demon (VG 137)
- Nilbog (VG 182)
- Quadrone (MM 226)
- Quaggoth Spore Servant (MM 230)
- Quasit (MM 63)
- Quickling (VG 187)
- Scarecrow (MM 268)
- Sea Spawn (VG 189)
- Specter (MM 279)
- Spy (MM 349)
- Strahd Zombie (CoS 241)
- Swarm Of Quippers (MM 338)
- THorny (VG 197)
- Thri-Kreen (MM 288)
- Tiger (MM 339)
- Vargouille (VG 195)
- Xvart Warlock of Raxivort (VG 200)
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood (MM 310)
- Yusdrayl (TftYP 248)
Challenge Rating 2 (450XP)
- Allosaurus (MM 79)
- Animated Table (TftYP 230)
- Ankheg (MM 21)
- Aurochs (VG 207)
- Awakened Tree (MM 317)
- Awakened Zurkhwood (OotA 230)
- Azer (MM 22)
- Bandit Captain (MM 344)
- Bard (VG 211)
- Berserker (MM 344)
- Black Dragon Wyrmling (MM 88)
- Black Earth Guard (PotA 195)
- Bronze Dragon Wyrmling (MM 109)
- Carrion Crawler (MM 37)
- Centaur (MM 38)
- Chamberlain of Zuggtmoy (OotA 230)
- Crushing Wave Priest (PotA 205)
- Cult Fanatic (MM 345)
- Darkling Elder (VG 134)
- Droki (OotA 231)
- Druid (MM 346)
- Duergar Darkhaft (OotA 226)
- Duergar Kavalrachni (OotA 226)
- Duergar Keeper of the Flame (OotA 226)
- Duergar Spy (TftYP 234)
- Duergar Stone Guard (OotA 227)
- Duergar Xarron (OotA 228)
- Eternal Flame Guardian (PotA 200)
- Ettercap (MM 131)
- Faerie Dragon [old] (MM 133)
- Fathomer (PotA 207)
- Gargoyle (MM 140)
- Gelatinous Cube (MM 242)
- Ghast (MM 148)
- Giant Boar (MM 323)
- Giant Constrictor Snake (MM 324)
- Giant Crayfish (TftYP 235)
- Giant Elk (MM 325)
- Gibbering Mouther (MM 157)
- Githzerai Monk (MM 161)
- Gnoll Pack Lord (MM 163)
- Green Dragon Wyrmling (MM 95)
- Grick (MM 173)
- Griffon (MM 174)
- Grisha (OotA 232)
- Guard Drake (VG 158)
- Hobgoblin Iron Shadow (VG 162)
- Howling Hatred Priest (PotA 190)
- Hunter Shark (MM 330)
- Hurricane (PotA 191)
- Intellect Devourer (MM 191)
- Lizardfolk Shaman (MM 205)
- Meenlock (VG 170)
- Merrow (MM 219)
- Mimic (MM 220)
- Minotaur Skeleton (MM 273)
- Myconid Sovereign (MM 232)
- Narrak (OotA 232)
- Nereid (TftYP 240)
- Nothic (MM 236)
- Ochre Jelly (MM 243)
- Ogre Zombie (MM 316)
- Ogre (MM 237)
- Orc CLaw of Luthic (VG 183)
- Orc Eye Of Gruumsh (MM 247)
- Orc Hand of Yurtrus (VG 184)
- Oreioth (PotA 211)
- Orog (MM 247)
- Pegasus (MM 250)
- Pentadrone (MM 226)
- Peryton (MM 251)
- Plesiosaurus (MM 80)
- Polar Bear (MM 334)
- Poltergeist [specter] (MM 279)
- Priest (MM 348)
- Quaggoth (MM 256)
- Quetzalcoatlus (VG 140)
- Rhinoceros (MM 336)
- Rug Of Smothering (MM 20)
- Saber-Toothed Tiger (MM 336)
- Sahuagin Priestess (MM 264)
- Sea Hag (MM 179)
- Shadow Mastiff (VG 190)
- Silver Dragon Wyrmling (MM 118)
- Spined Devil (MM 78)
- Swarm Of Poisonous Snakes (MM 338)
- Thayan Apprentice (TftYP 245)
- Thayan Warrior (TftYP 246)
- Vampiric Ixitxachitl (OotA 226)
- Vegepygmy Chied (VG 197)
- Wererat (MM 209)
- Wereraven (CoS 242)
- White Dragon Wyrmling (MM 102)
- Will-O'-Wisp (MM 310)
- Yuan-ti Broodguard (VG 203)
Challenge Rating 3 (700XP)
- Ankylosaurus (MM 79)
- Archer (VG 210)
- Basilisk (MM 24)
- Bearded Devil (MM 70)
- Black Earth Priest (PotA 195)
- Blue Dragon Wyrmling (MM 91)
- Bugbear Chief (MM 33)
- Cave Fisher (VG 130)
- Choldrith (VG 132)
- Dark Tide Knight (PotA 205)
- Deathlock Wight (TftYP 233)
- Deep Scion (VG 135)
- Displacer Beast (MM 81)
- Doppleganger (MM 82)
- Eternal Flame Priest (PotA 200)
- Flail Snail (VG 144)
- Giant Ice Toad (TftYP 235)
- Giant Lightning Eel (TftYP 236)
- Giant Scorpion (MM 327)
- Githyanki Warrior (MM 160)
- Gold Dragon Wyrmling (MM 115)
- Green Hag (MM 177)
- Grell (MM 172)
- Hell Hound (MM 182)
- Hobgoblin Captain (MM 186)
- Hook Horror Spore Servant (OotA 229)
- Hook Horror (MM 189)
- Illusionist (VG 214)
- Illusionist (TftYP 237)
- Kalka-Kylla (TftYP 238)
- Killer Whale (MM 331)
- Knight (MM 347)
- Kuo-Toa Monitor (MM 198)
- Leucrotta (VG 169)
- Leucrotta (TftYP 239)
- Manticore (MM 213)
- Martial Arts Adept (VG 216)
- Martial Arts Adept (TftYP 240)
- Minotaur (MM 223)
- Mummy (MM 228)
- Neogi (VG 180)
- Nightmare (MM 235)
- One-Eyed Shiver (PotA 207)
- Orc Red Fang of SHargaas (VG 185)
- Owlbear (MM 249)
- Phantom Warrior (CoS 235)
- Phase Spider (MM 334)
- Quaggoth Thonot (MM 256)
- Redcap (VG 188)
- Siren (TftYP 243)
- Skyweaver (PotA 191)
- Slithering Tracker (VG 191)
- Spectator (MM 30)
- Swashbuckler (VG 217)
- Thurl Merosska (PotA 192)
- Trapper (VG 194)
- Troglodyte Champion of Laogzed (OotA 229)
- Vampiric Mist (TftYP 247)
- Veteran (MM 350)
- Water Wierd (MM 299)
- Werewolf (MM 211)
- Wiggan Nettlebee (PotA 211)
- Wight (MM 300)
- Winter Wolf (MM 340)
- Yeti (MM 305)
- Yuan-Ti Malison (MM 309)
Challenge Rating 4 (1100XP)
- Babau (VG 136)
- Banshee (MM 23)
- Barghest (VG 123)
- Barghest (TftYP 230)
- Black Pudding (MM 241)
- Bone Naga (MM 233)
- Burrowshark (PotA 196)
- Chuul Spore Servant (OotA 228)
- Chuul (MM 40)
- Couatl (MM 43)
- Elephant (MM 322)
- Ettin (MM 132)
- Flameskull (MM 134)
- Ghost (MM 147)
- Giant Subterranean Lizard (TftYP 236)
- Girallon (VG 152)
- Gnoll Fang Of Yeenoghu (MM 163)
- Grumink the Renegade (PotA 210)
- Helmed Horror (MM 183)
- Hobgoblin Devastator (VG 161)
- Incubus (MM 284)
- Kelpie (TftYP 238)
- Lamia (MM 201)
- Lizard King (MM 205)
- Lizard Queen (MM 205)
- Neogi Master (VG 180)
- Orc Blade of Ilneval (VG 183)
- Orc War Chief (MM 246)
- Pudding King (OotA 233)
- Red Dragon Wyrmling (MM 98)
- Sea Hag [in coven] (MM 179)
- Shadow Demon (MM 64)
- Shoalar Quenderil (PotA 208)
- Stegosaurus (VG 140)
- Stonemelder (PotA 197)
- Succubus (MM 285)
- Tecuziztecatl (TftYP 245)
- Warlock of the Archfey (VG 219)
- Wereboar (MM 209)
- Weretiger (MM 211)
- Yestabrod (OotA 233)
- Yeth Hound (VG 201)
- Yuan-ti Mind Whisperer (VG 204)
- Yuan-ti Nightmare SPeaker (VG 205)
Challenge Rating 5 (1800XP)
- Air Elemental (MM 124)
- Banderhobb (VG 122)
- Barbed Devil (MM 70)
- Barlgura (MM 56)
- Beholder Zombie (MM 316)
- Brontosaurus (VG 139)
- Bulette (MM 34)
- Cambion (MM 36)
- Catoblepas (VG 129)
- Drow Elite Warrior (MM 128)
- Earth Elemental (MM 124)
- Elizar Dryflagon (PotA 202)
- Enchanter (VG 213)
- Enchanter (TftYP 234)
- Fire Elemental (MM 125)
- Flesh Golem (MM 169)
- Ghald (PotA 209)
- Giant Crocodile (MM 324)
- Giant Shark (MM 328)
- Gladiator (MM 346)
- Gorgon (MM 171)
- Greater Zombie (TftYP 237)
- Green Hag [in coven] (MM 177)
- Half-Red Dragon Veteran (MM 180)
- Hellenrae (PotA 198)
- Hill Giant (MM 155)
- Izek Strazni (CoS 232)
- Kraken Priest (VG 215)
- Master Thief (VG 216)
- Mezzoloth (MM 313)
- Mindwitness (VG 176)
- Night Hag (MM 178)
- Otyugh (MM 248)
- Razerblast (PotA 201)
- Red Slaad (MM 276)
- Revenant (MM 259)
- Rictavio (CoS 238)
- Roper (MM 261)
- Sahuagin Baron (MM 264)
- Salamander (MM 266)
- Sea Lion (TftYP 242)
- Shambling Mound (MM 270)
- Spawn of Kyuss (VG 192)
- Swarm of Cranium Rats (VG 133)
- Tanarukk (VG 186)
- Tlincalli (VG 193)
- Transmuter (VG 218)
- Transmuter (TftYP 247)
- Triceratops (MM 80)
- Troll (MM 291)
- Umber Hulk (MM 292)
- Unicorn (MM 294)
- Vampire Spawn (MM 298)
- Water Elemental (MM 125)
- Wereboar (MM 209)
- Wood Woad (VG 198)
- Wraith (MM 302)
- Xorn (MM 304)
- Young Remorhaz (MM 258)
- Yuan-ti Pit Master (VG 206)
Challenge Rating 6 (2300XP)
- Annis Hag (VG 159)
- Bodak (VG 127)
- Centaur Mummy (TftYP 231)
- Chasme (MM 57)
- Chimera (MM 39)
- Conjurer (VG 212)
- Conjurer (TftYP 232)
- Cyclops (MM 45)
- Drider (MM 120)
- Flamewrath (PotA 201)
- Galeb Duhr (MM 139)
- Gauth (VG 125)
- Githzerai Zerth (MM 161)
- Hobgoblin Warlord (MM 187)
- Invisible Stalker (MM 192)
- Kuo-Toa Archpriest (MM 200)
- Mage (MM 347)
- Mammoth (MM 332)
- Medusa (MM 214)
- Miraj Vizann (PotA 198)
- Mouth of Grolantor (VG 149)
- Strahd's Animated Armor (CoS 227)
- Vrock (MM 64)
- Warlock of the Great Old One (VG 220)
- Wyvern (MM 303)
- Young Brass Dragon (MM 105)
- Young White Dragon (MM 101)
Challenge Rating 7 (2900XP)
- Aerisi Kalinoth [not in lair] (PotA 193)
- Air Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 212)
- Bheur Hag (VG 160)
- Blue Slaad (MM 276)
- Draegloth (VG 141)
- Drannin Splithelm (PotA 209)
- Drow Mage (MM 129)
- Earth Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 212)
- Fire Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 213)
- Giant Ape (MM 323)
- Giant Skeleton (TftYP 236)
- Grick Alpha (MM 173)
- Illithid [Mind Flayer] (MM 222)
- Korred (VG 168)
- Mind Flayer (MM 222)
- Night Hag [in coven] (MM 178)
- Oni (MM 239)
- Shield Guardian (MM 271)
- Stone Giant (MM 156)
- Tree Blight (CoS 230)
- Warlock of the Fiend (VG 219)
- Water Elemental Myrmidon (PotA 213)
- Young Black Dragon (MM 88)
- Young Copper Dragon (MM 111)
- Yuan-Ti Abomination (MM 308)
Challenge Rating 8 (3900XP)
- Assassin (MM 343)
- Bastian Thermandar (PotA 201)
- Blackguard (VG 211)
- Chain Devil (MM 72)
- Cloaker (MM 41)
- Diviner (VG 213)
- Drow Priestess Of Lolth (MM 129)
- Ezmerelda D'Avenir (CoS 231)
- Fomorian (MM 136)
- Frost Giant (MM 154)
- Githyanki Knight (MM 160)
- Green Slaad (MM 277)
- Hezrou (MM 60)
- Hydra (MM 190)
- Marlos Urnrayle [not in lair] (PotA 199)
- Mind Flayer Arcanist (MM 222)
- Shoosuva (VG 137)
- Spirit Naga (MM 234)
- Tyrannosaurus Rex (MM 80)
- Young Bronze Dragon (MM 108)
- Young Green Dragon (MM 94)
Challenge Rating 9 (5000XP)
- Abjurer (VG 209)
- Abominable Yeti (MM 306)
- Aerisi Kalinoth [in lair] (PotA 193)
- Bone Devil (MM 71)
- Champion (VG 212)
- Champion (TftYP 231)
- Clay Golem (MM 168)
- Cloud Giant (MM 154)
- Evoker (VG 214)
- Evoker (TftYP 235)
- Fire Giant (MM 154)
- Flind (VG 153)
- Gar Shatterkeel [not in lair] (PotA 208)
- Glabrezu (MM 58)
- Gray Slaad (MM 277)
- Necromancer (VG 217)
- Necromancer (TftYP 241)
- Nycaloth (MM 314)
- Treant (MM 289)
- Ulitharid (VG 175)
- Vanifer [not in lair] (PotA 203)
- War Priest (VG 218)
- Young Blue Dragon (MM 91)
- Young Silver Dragon (MM 118)
Challenge Rating 10 (5900XP)
- Aboleth (MM 13)
- Alhoon (VG 172)
- Death Kiss (VG 124)
- Death Slaad (MM 278)
- Deva (MM 16)
- Froghemoth (VG 145)
- Guardian Naga (MM 234)
- Madam Eva (CoS 233)
- Malformed Kraken (TftYP 239)
- Ooze Master (TftYP 241)
- Rahadin (CoS 237)
- Stone Giant Dreamwalker (VG 150)
- Stone Golem (MM 170)
- White Maw (TftYP 248)
- Yochlol (MM 65)
- Young Gold Dragon (MM 115)
- Young Red Dragon (MM 98)
Challenge Rating 11 (7200XP)
- Baba Lysaga (CoS 228)
- Baba Lysaga's Creeping Hut (CoS 226)
- Behir (MM 25)
- Cloud Giant Smiling Oen (VG 146)
- Dao (MM 143)
- Djinni (MM 144)
- Efreeti (MM 145)
- Gynosphinx (MM 282)
- Horned Devil (MM 74)
- Marid (MM 146)
- Markoth (VG 178)
- Remorhaz (MM 258)
- Roc (MM 260)
Challenge Rating 12 (8400XP)
- Arcanaloth (MM 313)
- Archdruid (VG 210)
- Archmage (MM 342)
- Erinyes (MM 73)
- Frost Giant Everlasting One (VG 148)
- Ki-Rin (VG 163)
- Marlos Urnrayle [in lair] (PotA 199)
- Morkoth [in lair] (VG 178)
- Vanifer [in lair] (PotA 203)
- Yuan-ti Anathema (VG 262)
Challenge Rating 13 (10000XP)
- Adult Brass Dragon (MM 105)
- Adult White Dragon (MM 101)
- Beholder [not in lair] (MM 28)
- Devourer (VG 138)
- Gar Shatterkeel [in lair] (PotA 208)
- Nalfeshnee (MM 62)
- Neothelid (VG 181)
- Rakshasa (MM 257)
- Storm Giant (MM 156)
- Tarul Var (TftYP 244)
- Ultroloth (MM 314)
- Vampire (MM 297)
- Young Red Shadow Dragon (MM 85)
Challenge Rating 14 (11500XP)
- Adult Black Dragon (MM 88)
- Adult Bronze Dragon (MM 108)
- Adult Green Dragon (MM 94)
- Death Tyrant [in lair] (MM 29)
- Elder Brain (VG 174)
- Fire Giant Dreadnought (VG 147)
- Ice Devil (MM 75)
- Mummy Lord [not in lair] (MM 228)
- Purple Worm (MM 255)
- Vampire [spellcaster] (MM 298)
- Vampire [warrior] (MM 298)
Challenge Rating 15 (13000XP)
- Strahd von Zarovich (CoS 240)
Challenge Rating 16 (15000XP)
- Adult Blue Dragon (MM 91)
- Adult Silver Dragon (MM 117)
- Iron Golem (MM 170)
- Marilith (MM 61)
- Mummy Lord [in lair] (MM 228)
- Planetar (MM 17)
- Storm Giant Quintessent (VG 151)
Challenge Rating 17 (18000XP)
- Adult Blue Dracolich (MM 84)
- Adult Gold Dragon (MM 114)
- Adult Red Dragon (MM 98)
- Androsphinx (MM 281)
- Death Knight (MM 47)
- Dragon Turtle (MM 119)
- Goristro (MM 59)
Challenge Rating 18 (20000XP)
- Demilich [not in lair] (MM 48)
- Olhydra (PotA 218)
- Yan-C-Bin (PotA 220)
Challenge Rating 19 (22000XP)
- Balor (MM 55)
- Imix (PotA 214)
Challenge Rating 20 (25000XP)
- Ancient Brass Dragon (MM 104)
- Ancient White Dragon (MM 100)
- Demilich [in lair] (MM 48)
- Ogremoch (PotA 216)
- Pit Fiend (MM 77)
Challenge Rating 21 (33000XP)
- Ancient Black Dragon (MM 87)
- Ancient Copper Dragon (MM 110)
- Lich [not in lair] (MM 202)
- Solar (MM 18)
Challenge Rating 22 (41000XP)
- Ancient Bronze Dragon (MM 107)
- Ancient Green Dragon (MM 93)
- Lich [in lair] (MM 202)
- Mind Flayer Lich (VG 172)
Challenge Rating 23 (50000XP)
- Ancient Blue Dragon (MM 90)
- Ancient Silver Dragon (MM 116)
- Baphomet (OotA 235)
- Empryean (MM 130)
- Fraz-Urb'luu (OotA 238)
- Jubilex (OotA 243)
- Kraken (MM 197)
- Zuggtmoy (OotA 249)
Challenge Rating 24 (62000XP)
- Ancient Gold Dragon (MM 113)
- Ancient Red Dragon (MM 97)
- Graz'zt (OotA 241)
- Yeenoghu (OotA 247)
Challenge Rating 26 (90000XP)
- Demogorgon (OotA 236)
- Orcus (OotA 244)
Challenge Rating 30 (155000XP)
- Tarrasque (MM 286)
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Fiend Wake Fiction - Lauding a Hero
A canopy of entrails dangled from bare branches over a dark, stinking bog. A chorous of flies buzzed anxiously with the steady beat of long ...
The Humbled Fiend The last known, living demon sat demure and silent in its web of chains. Though sexless, this fiend took on a female hum...
Here is a list of all the monsters I know about from the six source books that I have. Source books not present are: HotDQ, RoT, SKT, and T...
This is a strange sight to see on the desk of of a man who has spent decades deriding D&D. The 90's was a great time to be some...